Friday, September 01, 2006

Broncos Finish the Pre-Season with a WIN! End Pre Season 3-1!

With a win at Arizona tonight the Broncos head into the 2007 NFL season with a winning record in the pre-season. The Broncos came back from a 15-20 deficit at the half to beat the Cardinals 29-23 to finish out the final game of the pre season. Time to water the grass at Mile High and get the stands shined up for next week. Broncos start the season at St. Louis on the 10th. Time for the Bronco Nation to get aboard, kick the tires and head towards the Play Offs. GO BRONCOS!!!

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Jeez....I need to update this blog eh???

Ok, so I keep saying I will update this thing, and I don't.  I HAVE BEEN ONE BUSY SUCKAFOO!  A quick overview: Our tomato plants grew ...