Saturday, January 28, 2006

Friday Night Out

My buddy George and his wife Stacy invited Deidra and I out to the "Talk of the Town" gala at the capital plaza last night. We had a great time. We had some good drinks, and an excellent meal! The event was held for the Chamber of Commerce here in Jefferson City and was a formal deal. Deidra was beautiful! My pal George was dressed nice for the event, and his wife (who is carrying their soon to be addition to their family) was glowing. I was in strapping young He-Manish form in my usual black suit. Thanks you guys for the invite once again! We had an awesome time. Deidra especially needs the night out with her college/work stress.

Saw Million Dollar Baby with Hilary Swank and Clint Eastwood you up! Good movie.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

RaeAnn & Taylor Man!

Here are my little booger butts! They are growing up so fast that today, Taylor asked to borrow the car...ok maybe not...but he will be soon.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Im on the list!

I am officially on the season ticket waiting list for the Bronx! Only 3 more years until my phone rings! I will be anxiously waiting by the phone until then just in case they get to me sooner.

My Basement has LIGHT!

Or at least the electrical wires were ran and we got the switch cut into the wall (thanks to Deidra's brother and father). We are in the process of choosing the track lighting that will be going in down there. I have some good ideas. Next step is to put in our ceiling. That should be done by months end. I am so lucky to have family and friends in this line of work who are helping us put it all together. By early spring, I will have my basement finished. The room will be MINE!!! Deidra can have the rest of the house, but this room will be built to my specs complete with wet bar and Bronco memorabilia. Last weekend, we finished the upstairs main bathroom and will be picking out new cabinet and drawer knobs to finish the look. We are thinking about letting the kids have their own rooms this summer and so the kids are picking out their own colors for their own rooms. Taylor wants his to be blue, RaeAnn wants hers to be purple and pink and white and sparkly colors and horses with princesses and Dora and my little pony and care bears... we will get her to narrow that down a bit I think. Anyhoo the house is slowly coming together.

With all this warmish weather, it makes me want to bust out the Q and sauce and BBQ IT UP!
Soon I guess.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Season is over :( But what a season!

Although the season is over for the Denver Broncos, we need to hold our heads up high. The fact that we made it to the elite four is an accomplishment that every team hopes for. What can I say. We played a hard second half, but it was just too late to make the comeback. We just didn't have any stuff left I guess. Looks like the Steelers are going to be the Super Bowl champs this year. I think the best two teams in the NFL just played, and from here it should be a cake walk for Pittsburgh. Look ahead to next year Bronco Nation! We will be always.

Saturday, January 21, 2006


Well here we are! The most under rated team in the NFL. We made it this far flying under the radar. It sure is funny to me how little you hear of the Denver Broncos, even now that there are only 4 elite teams left. First it was the "Perfect" record for the Colts...going undefeated into the playoffs and running away with an easy win in the Super Bowl. That was shot down. Then it was the "Energized come back" of the New England Patsies...once again, easily thrown aside by the Denver's dominating defense. Have you heard anything on the radio or T.V. about how well Denver played that game? No...all you hear is the comical ramblings of announcers and stuttering explanations of WHY the Broncos won. "It HAD to be that horrible call in the end zone!" Sad....Even with the call going the other way, That only takes 7 off the score making it 20-13 STILL a Bronco victory. Woops?!? That's math folks. Didn't make the connection did they? Oh...ok...maybe that's not why they won after all. It must have been "New England's mistakes" that gave the game to the Broncos right?? As if the Patsies offense just walked up and handed the ball to Denver's defense. No...we TOOK IT! When is the last time in NFL history that a punter punished the return team causing a death blow to the opponent by causing a fumble in a critical time in a game? NEVER! Interceptions and fumbles are not given away...they are TAKEN away. That's common NFL sense people. The Pats didn't make mistakes, the Broncos defense punished the Pats! You wont hear that on the radio or T.V. though. You will not hear about how many times Brady had to stumble off the field and have someone help him pull the turf out of his face mask while he sniffed on salts to gain his composure. Nope. You will hear about how Denver failed to sack him though.

No. You will not hear too many talk highly of our Bronco team. One thing is for certain though guys. Pittsburgh has to go through the Bronco Nation tomorrow to make it to the big game.


Thursday, January 19, 2006

High today 64!

Well, here it 30th birthday. I can't believe that it is mid January and high of 64 today! They say, "when you can't beat em...join em." As you can see by the picture, this person decided not to let her winter time woa's get to her. If you close your eyes and pretend it is can almost feel...almost smell ....almost can't. This person is stupid. C'MON! GIVE ME SNOW!

Saturday, January 14, 2006

R.I.P. PATS. Broncos 27 Patsies 13

Bye Bye Brady! It just slays me how shocked everyone in the T.V. world is with the Broncos win. I don't think the announcers or reporters know how to react to the loss of their top story in the NFL. So much for all that dynasty talk....Poor Brady bunch. Notice how just the sight of Lynch makes Brady cower and soil himself.
Funny thing is, I was reading the story of the game online and guess what they are saying...The Broncos only won because of New England's turnovers. As if they caused their own fumbles and interceptions. Ya, the Bronx had NOTHING to do with that....LOL! The media amuses me. Have any of you ever seen a punter cause a fumble? If not...look to the left and enjoy.
Mike Anderson, once again shows that even a run stopping defense can't stop him at Mile High.
Honest question: 3d and 5 on Denver's 5 yard line. Do you throw to the receiver covered by the #1 shut down corner Champ Bailey? Uh, I guess Tom thought it was a groovy idea....for about 3 seconds anyway.
Fitting that the man that caused Brady so many problems during the game gets the final pick to end the game.

R.I.P. Pats. (The so called dynasty? ..... Officially ended).






HERE WE GO GUYS! CJ...your phone cut out dog! Call me back! A little more than one hour till kickoff! Time to unleash!


Friday, January 13, 2006

One more day!

That's right folks! Time to pull out the Bronco attire and adorn the most coveted of all colors...ORANGE AND BLUE!!! Pull the couches closer to the big screen and fly the Bronco flags outside the car windows (if your not doing that already) to show our camaraderie for our team! I will wake up tomorrow, stumble into the bathroom, take a long hot shower, dry off and blow dry my hair, shave my face, then paint my face half orange half blue, walk into my room and open my bullet proof glass case and take out my Bronco attire. After pointing at the football signed by #7 himself for a good 30 minutes I will put on the coveted #7 Jersey and head out from my room and slowly walk down the hall to my living room while Deidra plays "WE WILL ROCK YOU!" on the CD player. After that: a quick run around my block screaming "WAKE UP....WAKE UP...ONLY 10 HOURS TO KICKOFF!!!" I will then make my way to the couch and watch hours of pre game footage with a smile of confidence on my face....Im sure you all will do the same. Of coarse, this is what I do before each and every game of the year...well ok...everything but the face paint.


The Bronco Poll is in!

The poll shows that out of 7 people 5 believe we are going to the SB and running away with it. I could not vote but you can add one to the 5 if you count mine. BOOYA!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Morning Coffee

Well, Deidra has finished her first semester (straight A's!) and has now officially started her next one. I have been slowly getting used to her new hours, and am making headway. Taylor has been a big help in the mornings as I do not have the morning routine down as of yet and he is a pro. Guess what the first words out of his mouth were joke...he said "Ahhh, the start of a great new day..." That is where I got the "AHHhhh..." part in the picture above. My kids are amazing...Im sure I was that way everyday as a kid. (LOL) I wish I had that outlook everyday. I just need the coffee to keep flowing! Off to work I go. Hope everyone has a great day!

Monday, January 09, 2006

Bronco Time!

Well here we go! Time for my Broncos to show that we are the most underrated team in the NFL. For some reason, we have been flying under the radar for the ENTIRE season?!? Oddly enough, we are the number 2 seed! Trust me when I say, I believe the Pats are in for a real shocker. I noticed that there will be a full moon in Denver on Saturday. Time to unleash the beast within our defense and tear the Pats apart. There is virtually no talk about the Broncos in the press, nor has there been all season. I think that after Saturday, this will change.


Sunday, January 08, 2006

Curious George!

Curious George commin to the big screen? Well, with Will Ferrell in the movie this could be a good one. Deidra is excited to say the least. This is her fave cartoon dude.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

A post by cell phone? What will they think of next! Click on the audio post below, then let me know what ya think in the comment section.

this is an audio post - click to play

Temp moving up this weekend....

Well here we go again. High on Saturday is supposed to reach the upper 50's. Depressing. One thing I miss about my hometown is being able to drive into the mountains no matter what time of year and seeing snow if I wanted to. Here...snow is a four letter curse word. All around me are people happy with the fact that we did not have a white Christmas, and happy that we have not seen winter temperatures yet! CRAZY! It is supposed to stay in the 40's until middle January! If I don't have 20's by my birthday, I will go on strike! I feel like I am staring in a Twilight Zone re-run.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Denver Bronco Poll....

If you want to participate in my Denver Bronco Poll: Go to the right of my blog, and click on "my chat room". Then on the discussion board you will notice the poll. If you cant see the discussion titled "what will the Broncos do?" then click on (show discussions) and set it to all. That will bring up the poll. Feel free to click on your choice. The final results will be posted on my blog before thier first playoff game.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Feels Like Spring!

What is up with this spring weather!?!? I NEED SNOW!!! It was like in the mid 60's this weekend. Tonight is a bit chilly. I hope it keeps getting colder because this warm stuff is ticking me off! ITS JANUARY ALREADY!


Sunday, January 01, 2006

Chiefs end the season on a high note.

The Chiefs season may be over but they fought hard for the final game of thier season, DESTROYING the would be 3d seed of the NFL. Thier coach, Dick Vermeil, also retired today making this his final game with the Chiefs.

On to the playoffs!

Well as I predicted, the Broncos showed the Chargers that our defense is not to be toyed with. I was surprised they went for several 4th down conversions. They failed of coarse. Too bad that due to the arrogance of the coach, Drew Brees may be out for a while. I think he will be having nightmares of John Lynch for months to come.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all our friends and family. We had a good night. We hope you all did too. We were invited to start the New Year off with our friends Stacy and George. We played Texas Hold em until midnight and watched a movie after the ball dropped. Deidra is quite the player! She had the most chips throughout most of the game. I then started to catch up but it was too late. The XBOX poker game I got her seems to be working well for her. She likes to call your bluff, and I like to that's how she got the chips.

If you look to the right at my links you will notice a link entitled "My Chat Room". If you are not already a member of Talk City, just click on my link and become one. The chat room is ours and hosted by us. It is a public chat room so you will probably see others in there from time to time but the room is ours. Feel free to use it whenever you want and however you want...just log in and invite anyone else into it.

Jeez....I need to update this blog eh???

Ok, so I keep saying I will update this thing, and I don't.  I HAVE BEEN ONE BUSY SUCKAFOO!  A quick overview: Our tomato plants grew ...