Sunday, May 05, 2013

Gnomes in the Denver Museum???

A little known fact about the Denver Museum is that the mural artist, Kent Pendleton, painted many of the murals for the museum in 1971.  He left his "secret signature" in some of the murals in the form of a little "gnome" or "Elf" hidden in the paintings.  Once we found out about this, we decided to go on a search for these little guys.  We found some of them and I took a picture of the ones that we found and posted them below.  I will not however provide the whereabouts of these little dudes because I would not want someone to ruin the search for I will not ruin the search for you.  There are also other "secrets" in the museum.  One that is fun to look for is locating the "moving butterflies" in some of the diorama's.  They are small and intermittently move their these are hard to find.  We found one of them in one of the same diorama's that we located a little gnome hidden in the bushes.  We did not provide a picture of it though.

In this last picture, you will find another hidden character...though he is not a gnome.  Look hard in the large mountain and you will find the little guy...Hint: in order to find him..."The force will have to be strong with you!"  We found him where he a mural in the "Space Odyssey" section of the museum.

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Jeez....I need to update this blog eh???

Ok, so I keep saying I will update this thing, and I don't.  I HAVE BEEN ONE BUSY SUCKAFOO!  A quick overview: Our tomato plants grew ...