Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Morning Coffee

Well, Deidra has finished her first semester (straight A's!) and has now officially started her next one. I have been slowly getting used to her new hours, and am making headway. Taylor has been a big help in the mornings as I do not have the morning routine down as of yet and he is a pro. Guess what the first words out of his mouth were joke...he said "Ahhh, the start of a great new day..." That is where I got the "AHHhhh..." part in the picture above. My kids are amazing...Im sure I was that way everyday as a kid. (LOL) I wish I had that outlook everyday. I just need the coffee to keep flowing! Off to work I go. Hope everyone has a great day!


Anonymous said...

That's awesome Deidra! Of course I'm not surprised.
Very sweet, one step closer to the mountains...or so I'll keep my fingers crossed.
love you guys!
little sis

Anonymous said...

Go Deidra!

Jeez....I need to update this blog eh???

Ok, so I keep saying I will update this thing, and I don't.  I HAVE BEEN ONE BUSY SUCKAFOO!  A quick overview: Our tomato plants grew ...