Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Come on Friday!

I am so drained this week. With all the tile work and working the CDL site (testing 18 wheelers), and digging the car out of the driveway which Deidra finished today! YAY! I have just got no more energy in me. Poor Deidra is zonked as well. Mom called today and let me know that Grandma is here so I will go to see her tomorrow or Saturday. Maybe we can all watch Grizwolds Christmas Vacation. Taylor had his Christmas song service. He did so good. Im proud of him. Well on to bed. Tomorrow I work in JC so the day will be long and more draining. Oh well...come on Friday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you guys! I am very tired of this cold hard snow! We can't wait to visit you guys. Want to see that new tile. Hi Taylor , so sorry to have missed your singing last night. We love you and RaeAnn so much. Casper

Jeez....I need to update this blog eh???

Ok, so I keep saying I will update this thing, and I don't.  I HAVE BEEN ONE BUSY SUCKAFOO!  A quick overview: Our tomato plants grew ...