Well after I dug "The Beast" out, I shocked and awed the entire neighborhood as I dropped it in 4 low and drove through a 4 ft. snow bank to make my way onto the snow route from my road. You see, the road adjacent to mine is part of the "important" roads to plow I guess, so they just push all that snow creating a 4 ft. wall of snow, blocking our way until a plow gets time to get to ours..."The Beast" and I weren't having that! We put the hammer down and "PFFFT!" dukes of hazard style through the whole damn thing! I felt so ... so .... "Tankish". When I got home from work, I came in and changed into some snow clothes and we all headed out to the yard with sled in hand and went down our driveway. Do you think I got on a sled though? YOU KNOW IT....Straight belly style, hands out, humming Darth Vaders theme song loudly while plowing down the driveway! Here are some of the pics of the kids during our fun:

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