Sunday, February 25, 2007

February 2007 almost over!

I just can't believe how quick these last two months have gone! Deidra has a couple more weeks of her clinicals and then she will be able to enjoy a weekend again. She has busted her butt the last couple weeks and has not had a day off since she started her clinicals. We are going to celebrate her first full weekend off by heading off again to an undisclosed location (cuz we know not where, as of yet) with the kids for some more r&r pool and hot tub time. As soon as it warms up, we are planning to go camping for the first time this year. We will probably do that on the trip after next. Spring is almost here! For those of you who have been keeping up with this blog since its beginning in 2005 you know I love the winter and usually am upset at this time of year cuz we never get any snow. This year has been different. For the first time in almost a decade we have had a real winter! Some good snow fell and the temp fell to a reasonable "winter" degree. I am ready for the spring for the first time in a long while. Those of you close to me know how much I love the spring and early summer thunder storms. This year I plan on taking some pics of the weather here in Missouri for our memories of this ho hum state. Some of the good things this state has to offer is great fishing, nice camping, good wine and an occasional cool thunderstorm. Hopefully this year will have a few good storms.Welp...on to the last week of February 07. I can see March on the horizon. 1/6 of the year is almost officially over! One more step closer to our goal. Woo HOO!

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Jeez....I need to update this blog eh???

Ok, so I keep saying I will update this thing, and I don't.  I HAVE BEEN ONE BUSY SUCKAFOO!  A quick overview: Our tomato plants grew ...