In February 05, Deidra and I bought two little additions to the family. We lovingly named them Chubbers and Croikey Wiggle Bottoms. They are two Australian bearded dragons. After over a year, they have both grown by leaps and bounds but are not even close to the size that they are going to reach. After about 4 months, we were wondering why they didn't grow as much as we thought they would. About 3 weeks ago, my friend (the one we bought them from) came over and thought the same. After telling him the things we were feeding them, he let us know that they should have moved up to large crickets about half a year ago. After the advise, they have grown to almost double the size in about a month. Here are some pics of them when they were babies and then some pics of them now. Cute aren't they?

Chubbs below his rock and log.
Chubbers on his log now.
Chubbers as a baby.
Chubbs now.
Chubbers chillin.
Croikey in my hand.
Croikey chillin in
Deidra's hand.

Note the tail: We found out the hard way that they are both probably male.
Chubbers chomped half
Croik's tail off. He was a bit
skittish for about 6 months. He's not so much now. They both have their own pad now.
Croikey is thicker than
Chubbers. He grew a bit thicker in the last 3 weeks. Bigger crickets truly do help. Going to have to buy them bigger
aquariums now.