2006 has finally come to an end. My sister Michelle and my friends George and Stacy along with their cute little baby Shelby rang in the new year with us and we had a great time. We stayed up till the new year playing cards and having drinky drinks. Enter 2007! My theme for the year?: Simplify! Plain and simple and to the point eh? This year will be the year many good things happen for our little family. All good things! Deidra will graduate and finally have a job she truly loves and makes decent money doing. We will fix our house up and pay off many debts due to the fact that we no longer will have a car payment or consolidation loan payment anymore. That is money we have not seen for almost 10 years people! Once Deidra gets a new job this fall, the ball will seriously pick up speed and start to rocket down hill and before you know it 2007 will be over, and I will be posting my 2008 comments about our nearing life change event: The move to Colorado!!!! After that I will have to rename my web blog from "Pikes Peak or Bust" to something new. I have to quit talking about our future after 2008 and beyond...just gets my mouth watering and its still a little jog off. SO! ON TO 2007 THINGS!!
My New Years resolutions:
1. I will lose another 30 lbs. by years end...hopefully more and be down to my goal weight.
2. We will pay off the car and consolidation loan...yea baby!
3. I will finish my downstairs...completely!
4. I will take Deidra to see a true Theatre event in St. Louis and we will have a much needed vacation ... just us.
5. I will start doing preliminary research on apartments in Colorado in the city of our choice....BOOYA!
There is probably more to add to the list and I will add them later. Welcome 2007! I sure am glad to see you.
God bless you all.
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