Tuesday, October 20, 2009


The Broncos literally, not metaphorically, LITERALLY destroy the hopes and dreams of poor little cry me a "Rivers" as they serve up a fat 34 - 23 loss to the Eggo Chargers! Broncos go 6-0 for the first time in a long time. The beginning of the game started as expected...the jaw happy Rivers and his filthy team disrespected the Broncos as they enter the field by trying to start a skirmish. The Broncos just smiled...and walked away..some actually cried quietly knowing about the impending Hammer Whomping the poor Rivers was about to get handed. The announcers had to do what they love to do and jump on the coat tail of Rivers before the game by thinking the Chargers were going to somehow win....and then quickly had to dive off many times as the coat tail of the Crybaby Quarterback was ripped to shreds time after time by the Sack attack of our beloved Broncos. The best pass of the sad QB was an almost "girl-ish" forward two handed "push the ball away" woobie toss for about 5 feet to an open chubs mcgee for a pretty decent yardage gain. During the toss you could almost hear Rivers actually say in a very feminine way..."Just TAKE it you big meanie!" After that, the QB was under constant attack...hitting the ground more than a fat mans sneakers on a 3 mile jog towards a bowl of freshly made fudge brownies. Anyhow...Being the gentleman that Dumervil is he then tried to gently fold the pieces of Phillips Coat tail into some recognizable piece...and handed it over to the weeping Eggo QB.

Even the tackling looked painful for the poor Eggos!

So....a tackle? Or a request for a huggy wuggy? Still not sure...ended up a TD though so its all good.

Ok...so this one was just too flipp'n easy. Enough said.


Oh...and CJ...here's your most loved pic...

Monday, October 12, 2009

So the sun sets on Coors Stadium.

We almost pulled out a win to take us to Philli....almost. Sadly we had our chances but did not close the game out. Maybe next year. The sun sets over Coors Stadium to end our 2009 run. Go Broncos and Go Nuggs!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Broncos WIN! Go 5-0!

...and the Broncos come back by 10 to defeat the Patsies 20-17 with a Prater field goal in overtime! How bout those 50 yr jerseys?!?! You gots to love the striped socks! If you would like to know a little interesting information about how these jerseys came about and what happened to them click (here). Its funny and interesting all at once. Booya!

The Defense is as crushing as it looks!

B. Marsh doing what he do!

Not sure about this guy yet, but my friend assures me that he is a christian...so he's got at least that going for him...well that and the fact that he is a smart player that does not throw stupid interceptions or cry like a baby if things don't seem to be going his way. I am starting to like this guy more and more each game. He may not be an elite QB..but he's not a stupid one and with our defense and ability to make big plays after the catch that may be all we need.

Scheffler goes airborn!

The fist pump showing the love!

Marsh turning a sure goal line stop into a Touchdown!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

50 years with the Broncos.

Kick the Patsies butts guys! Here's to 50 more years!

Six Flags Fright Fest

We've been going to Six Flags this summer as we always do, but this month is Fright Fest! We look forward to this every year when the spookies come out and start to walk around the park. My favorite ride as a little boy was the moon cars and as of last year they are officially back! They were taken from the park for many years and I was starting to think that they were gone forever. Took this picture of Rae and Taylor tearing down the highway on one of the moon cars. I do need to teach Rae how to drive a bit better. Poor Taylor feared for his life during the ride but said "Dad, I will do what it takes to get THE shot!" After posting bail for Rae to get out of jail and Taylor to get out of the psych ward I finally decided to post the image. Enjoy. Going back to the fright fest with everyone soon...will post more pics soon but here are some of our time there:

RaeAnn Conquers the Ninja and the Evil Knievel! Finally tall enough to ride!

Friday, October 09, 2009

Can we GO five an 0!?

People are asking me what I think of my Broncos this year...let me just state some important stuff for you to suck into your brain. The Broncos have not been a great defensive team for many years. As a matter of fact the offense has been near unstoppable on many days but even on those days the defense probably let them down or at least almost did. I know that my team is good this year...5-0 or 4-1 they are a team you have to worry about if you are playing against them on any given day of football. I'm looking forward to this weekend and the Patriots. Do I think we can beat them? Ill tell you this. Win or lose, on Sunday afternoon when the smoke clears and one team has more points than the other...the Broncos will not care anymore...because we are looking to the next game after the last second of the 4th quarter rings out. In short...no team holds any more weight than the other in our eyes. If our defense shows up we will not only win, but shock the NFL with a blowout. Broncos by 14!

I close with the Broncos fan pledge that hangs proudly over the streets of Denver:

"I am a Broncos Fan and I believe!

I believe in Mile High Magic and bleed Orange and Blue.

I celebrate the Orange Crush, The Drive, and the Mile High Salute.

I create the THUNDER, share the common dream,

and will forever be

a proud citizen of Bronco's Country."


Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Are these guys for REAL??!!

Well, needless to say, the Broncos are 4-0 and I am excited! Ive watched each game and from day one I noticed one thing...our defense is different than it has been since the late 90s till now. I have never seen one of our guys get as close to blocking a punt or kick for many a game now but lately I have seen close misses in every game...mark my words...you will see a blocked kick or punt sometime with this defense in the near future. Now as for our 4-0...do we deserve the recognition of the entire NFL just because we are 4-0? I have friends that honestly believe that Orton has everything to do with our record...well that remains to be seen. He has not thrown a pick yet this is true..but I have watched every game and he has thrown several "shoulda been" picks. One for sure is the now dubbed "immaculate deflection" and 0ne other notable pickables was the now famous catch that Marshall ran into the end zone for 6 in our game against the Cowboys. Now I will not sit there and tell you that I am not happy with the game play by Orton, I love my Broncos and he is a Bronco so I am on his side...but the standout difference this year is our D! We are currently the #1 D in the entire NFL...that is awesome considering we were at the bottom this time last year. How about that pick by Bailey!!!
Do I think that we can pull out a playoff birth this year? I gotta tell ya, it feels as though we have gotten back our #1 receiver! The hug shared between Marshall and McDaniels was a good sign. As if McD was saying "welcome back to the team foo!" Glad you are pulling it together Marsh! Welcome back sucka! Awe Yea! Couple more games like this Denver and you need to dig deep in that pocket and PAY THE MAN! Randy Moss and T.O. will be asking for his autograph. If our team can keep healthy, keep the chip on our shoulder, and play safe offense and aggressive defense we may be a team that others fear. We are certainly the best team in our bracket, but we have always been. The difference is that with a potent offense and a 4 quarter killing defense we stand as one of the better teams in the entire AFC. Bring it on New England...we are already picked to lose...imagine how the NFL will clear their bowels in their britches if we pull out a second upset in 2 weeks! Get ready Broncos...stay focused and if you need me you know my number!

Congrats to Shannon Sharpe for his induction into the Denvers "Ring of Fame"! I also would like to give him a 11 out of 10 for his entrance! Read more about it by clicking HERE.


Jeez....I need to update this blog eh???

Ok, so I keep saying I will update this thing, and I don't.  I HAVE BEEN ONE BUSY SUCKAFOO!  A quick overview: Our tomato plants grew ...