The Broncos literally, not metaphorically, LITERALLY destroy the hopes and dreams of poor little cry me a "Rivers" as they serve up a fat 34 - 23 loss to the Eggo Chargers! Broncos go 6-0 for the first time in a long time. The beginning of the game started as expected...the jaw happy Rivers and his filthy team disrespected the Broncos as they enter the field by trying to start a skirmish. The Broncos just smiled...and walked away..some actually cried quietly knowing about the impending Hammer Whomping the poor Rivers was about to get handed. The announcers had to do what they love to do and jump on the coat tail of Rivers before the game by thinking the Chargers were going to somehow win....and then quickly had to dive off many times as the coat tail of the Crybaby Quarterback was ripped to shreds time after time by the Sack attack of our beloved Broncos. The best pass of the sad QB was an almost "girl-ish" forward two handed "push the ball away" woobie toss for about 5 feet to an open chubs mcgee for a pretty decent yardage gain. During the toss you could almost hear Rivers actually say in a very feminine way..."Just TAKE it you big meanie!" After that, the QB was under constant attack...hitting the ground more than a fat mans sneakers on a 3 mile jog towards a bowl of freshly made fudge brownies. Anyhow...Being the gentleman that Dumervil is he then tried to gently fold the pieces of Phillips Coat tail into some recognizable piece...and handed it over to the weeping Eggo QB.

Even the tackling looked painful for the poor Eggos!

So....a tackle? Or a request for a huggy wuggy? Still not sure...ended up a TD though so its all good.

Ok...so this one was just too flipp'n easy. Enough said.
Oh...and CJ...here's your most loved pic...