At the awards ceremony last Thursday, Deidra was presented the Outstanding Student Award and was announced as the only student in the history of the award that got a unanimous vote for the award. She was also announced as possibly the only student in the field of the physical therapy asst. program as doing so with a full time job and a family. When the announcer told Taylor Rae and I to stand and be recognized while Deidra was on the podium, the kids looked about as proud as I have ever seen them. Deidra received this plaque from the program which will be on display in our office...when we make room for one.
Deidra has done very well so far with her finals last week and we only have half of next week to go. After that Deidra will be done with the college school part of her program and will then start working for her clinicals this summer. Her graduation ceremony is next week and we are looking forward to having more time to be with her as the last several years have been hard. Weekends will now be WEEKENDS again! No more study, no more worry about tests. This summer we will finally have their mom and my wife back again! Only thing is, she is so used to having no time to herself...she will not really know what to do with all of the time she will be getting to do anything she wants! BOOYA!
Today we are getting ready for the 2nd annual hayride at Binder park. It will be a great day for it. Pictures of the event to come later tonight.