Thursday, March 30, 2006

Storm on the way!

As you can see from this weather map. We are in the direct path of another thunder boomy line. Should be here within the hour. This pic was taken from the weather channel 10 minutes ago. Good night all. Going to watch the lightning show! You know how I love storms!

Time to dust off the BBQ!

That's right folks! Im going to fire up the grill this weekend. The sun should be out, and the weather should be perfect. Storms are rolling through tonight but I think the sun will be out in time for me to Q it up after I get off work tomorrow. I am thawing out some steaks and am going to marinate them all day tomorrow. My 1/2 beef is in my freezer and the steaks are lookin good. Check it out:

The Middle two shelves are mostly steaks with some riblets thrown in. I cant wait! Another new toy of mine is my "SkyBox" vending machine. This bad boy pops out ice cold beverages at the touch of a button. Not a necessity...True...But you know you all wanted one as a kid. I just went one step further by actually GETTING one. Me likey :) You may be wondering "Why the STL Blues?" Well that is what it came with. To my delight the Bronx are available also for a small fee! Needless to say it will be my Bronco Box before too long.

Broncos Pre Season Schedule Announced:

Thanksgiving game announced: Broncos @ Arrowhead!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Grandma Update:

For all those who have been praying for my grandma, thanks.
Grandma is on the mend. Went to see her today with Dad and I must say she seems to be doing much better than last week. The hip replacement went good and I was so happy to see that she was so talkative and positive. The place they have her seems to be a pretty good temporary home away from home. The nurses seem nice, and they all love grandma. When we got there she was sitting at a table in a lunch area next to some other patients who where all giggling and talking to her like she was an old friend. Dad said grandma used to come there on a regular basis to visit the patients, so they may have known her a long time. Im just glad she has friends there to watch over her. I can't wait until she is back on her feet, though the road ahead is going to be harder before it gets easier. Most worthwhile things usually are. Keep her in your prayers guys. Things are definitely looking up!

My Uncle Mark came in later on in the afternoon and took me and Dad to a pub in town that served the best damn battered and fried portobello mushrooms you ever had and some awesome hot wings. (Mark, I put up a link to the STL Rams just for YOU! Look to the right under "Links".) As for the CD's you want, Dad will be bringing them down this week. Lets do this again soon. It was fun to hang out with you guys. We need to get the guys together and plan a fishing trip.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Winter Storm? A no show.

I would like to say the picture above is me cleaning off my car....but sadly, it is just a pic I pulled from the net. No...the so called 4-6 inches missed my neck of the woods. You may be asking yourself...Isn't that a GOOD thing? Well for me it sucks. Why? Because we have had no snow to speak of for more than half a decade! I was at least hoping for an inch! I think we got a small dusting last night, but you cant tell cuz it has already been blown off the trees and car windows. I guess North state got 6 inches or so. I am tired of the teases! On to spring I say. We purchased a half beef this week and that means we can grill some steaks on the Q!

Anyhoo, Deidra and I have had a busy week. We called and scheduled a person to come to our house and finish the ceiling in our basement. After he is done later this week, we will start the painting. If the weather is good, we will have that done by weekend. Then its off to the carpet store to pick out our floor. The only thing left after that will be a door on the bathroom downstairs and BOOYA! I will have a finished downstairs by months end. Just in time for spring baby! Pics of our progress to come.

Have a good day er-one! Im off to Columbia MO today so I may see some form of snow accumulation...but I doubt it.

Monday, March 20, 2006 comes the so called storm of the year!

I don't believe the talk. We have had our share of winter storm "Watch" scenarios, all with the same snow. I predict a morning of rain.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

A note from Pat Bowlen:

Dear Bryant,

On behalf of the Denver Broncos Football Club, I would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to you and all the fans who helped carry us to within one game of the Super Bowl this past season. The atmosphere at INVESCO Field at Mile High was absolutely electric, especially for our two playoff games. Your tremendous support made me proud to own this team and call the Mile High City home.

As they do every year, Coach Shanahan, his staff and all our players gave their all trying to bring another championship to the Rocky Mountain Region. Though we came up short of our ultimate goal, I think we can all be appreciative of their efforts. I know I'm confident that we can build on the success we had in 2005 as we now set our sights on Super Bowl XLI.
Thanks again for truly being the best fans in professional sports, and I look forward to having you with us again next season. Please enjoy a video tribute to our 2005 campaign.

Yours Truly,

President and CEO
Denver Broncos Football Club

To view the video tribute...Click on the picture below. If this doesn't get your Orange and Blue blood flowing, well then...Rest in must be dead.

New Photo link to the right!

Look below the archives to the right, and you should see a "Flickr" icon with various pics of mine. Just click on it to view my pics. If you need to create a Flickr account, PLEASE do so. That way, I can make you a "contact" and with that comes certain privileges that are not given to the typical public. Thanks. When you get a flickr account "which is FREE ..Don't worry" please email me and let me know you are set up and your account name or whatever so I can invite you as a Flickr contact.


Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Mixed signals???

I mean, Im not a marketing genius or anything but......something didn't go right in that billboard meeting.

Sarah...check this pic out!

Ok, so it is a bit cheesy. This whole Git-R-Done thing has gone around the globe and is now rearing itself in the world of religion. Kinda cute, but enough already! Funny none the less.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

What's Playin at the Movies?

If you look to the right, I have also added a "LINK" to the movie world. All you have to do is click on the picture titled "In Theatres Now!" and it will take you to a search screen. Just type in your Zip Code and you can see what's playin "IN THEATRES NOW" in your area! You can also get to the same spot by clicking on the same pic above this post. WOO HOO! Enjoy the movies guys!

Weather added to the Bloggy!

Thats right folks, I have added the ability to check your weather by using the weather deal on the right. Just type in your zip code and BOOM! You are transported to another dimension where you can see into the future and be able to see what the weather holds for your area! Ok...not really, but you CAN see your weather and the 10 day forecast!

Cool you say? I know.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Prayers for Grandma...

My Grandma is ok, but this weekend she fell and hurt herself pretty bad. All of your prayers are appreciated for my Grandma's quick recovery. Grandma...we love you. Get better soon.

Thursday, March 02, 2006


29 years ago on the blessed 4th of this month, my gamma gamma goochie was born! Happy Birthday Grandma! And Many MOOOOOOoooooorrrreeeE! We love you!

Never thought I kept this pic eh? This is Grams a mile off the ground on the way to Durango Colorado for Lisa's wedding. We had a great flight! Mark...make sure she checks out the site!

The 4th member of our Future Football team!

As you can see, our football team is coming together as planned. With Taylor as our QB and Dylan and Evan our Star Wide Outs, Donovan is going to be prime Half Back material! All we need is a Tight End and some Defense. Of coarse, we can play Iron man and let them play D too! Heck Mary is a big girl and RaeAnn has some attitude and don't take no guff off anyone and with a little teaching Mary and RaeAnn may be the D we need!

Colorado Events for March...

ECKERT CRANE DAYS, March 11 and 18, 2006:
Signaling the end of winter, Sandhill Cranes in route to northern migration destinations pause for a break in Eckert, located in Northwest Colorado near the Grand Mesa, the world’s largest flat-top mountain. Don’t miss lift off as the cranes take flight toward their final destination.

For more information visit Phone: 720-488-3300

Jeez....I need to update this blog eh???

Ok, so I keep saying I will update this thing, and I don't.  I HAVE BEEN ONE BUSY SUCKAFOO!  A quick overview: Our tomato plants grew ...