It appears that the ("Ground can't cause a fumble") rule in the NFL has been abolished for this particular game and for today only and only when it pertains to Tebow on the Denver Broncos. I just watched Jarred Allen cause Tebow to go to the ground...and when Tebow was coming down to the ground with the ball. Once the ball touches the ground the ball comes out of his hand...because the ground causes it to come out...but its a fumble? it was probably a mistake by an official right? So the play goes under review because it is obvious that the ball came out only after the ball touches the ground while in full possession by Tebow causing the play to be over and is considered a sack....Nope. Not today. Review made...Fumble recorded.
Question: How much do the NFL officials get paid for their stellar play calling ability?
Just wondering. Its too much in my opinnion.
The day after Christmas, at noon in the year 2005 this blog was created. It started out as "Pikes Peak or Bust". We made a goal for a life change. Many people make that a life goal. Not too many of them succeed in reaching it. We did. This is a place where friends and family can come to see whats going on in our little family.
Sunday, December 04, 2011
Sunday, November 27, 2011
I dont like the Broncos Coach
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Orton Leaves Town
Just some quick facts for those of you that like to look at stats...
Since Jay Cutler has been traded to the Bears:
Orton went 12-21 as the Broncos starter, including 1-4 this season before Tebow was put into the lineup. Almost 2 times more losses than total wins. The Broncos are 4-1 in Tebow's starts this season leading into a rematch with San Diego. Fact.
Jay Cutler is 7 - 3 this year with the Chicago Bears and have a shot at a run into the playoffs....Jay got injured and heads to the sideline for the rest of the season....The Bears went 11 - 5 last year and made it into the playoffs with Jay....this year they are on their way at a second stab at it...Now that Jay is out it seems as though they are in some trouble? Orton wants to go back to Chicago....If Chicago is desperate for a QB while Jay is gone who do you think has Chicago experience that just so happens to be needing a QB job now?? ya think they will do with Orton at the lead of their winning season? Only time will tell...I however feel as though I already know as do all of the other Bronco fans out there. You Jay Cutler haters in Chicago should have been a bit more careful with what you wished for...ya may just get it now. Better luck next year pick up Orton...your playoff chances go bye bye this year. Hey! But he is safe right??!! HA! Better get used to that expression...the announcers love to use it in explaining his red zone style. Don't worry...if you forget what a red zone touchdown looks like, just let me know. I can hook ya up with some Tebow highlights.
Since Jay Cutler has been traded to the Bears:
Orton went 12-21 as the Broncos starter, including 1-4 this season before Tebow was put into the lineup. Almost 2 times more losses than total wins. The Broncos are 4-1 in Tebow's starts this season leading into a rematch with San Diego. Fact.
Jay Cutler is 7 - 3 this year with the Chicago Bears and have a shot at a run into the playoffs....Jay got injured and heads to the sideline for the rest of the season....The Bears went 11 - 5 last year and made it into the playoffs with Jay....this year they are on their way at a second stab at it...Now that Jay is out it seems as though they are in some trouble? Orton wants to go back to Chicago....If Chicago is desperate for a QB while Jay is gone who do you think has Chicago experience that just so happens to be needing a QB job now?? ya think they will do with Orton at the lead of their winning season? Only time will tell...I however feel as though I already know as do all of the other Bronco fans out there. You Jay Cutler haters in Chicago should have been a bit more careful with what you wished for...ya may just get it now. Better luck next year pick up Orton...your playoff chances go bye bye this year. Hey! But he is safe right??!! HA! Better get used to that expression...the announcers love to use it in explaining his red zone style. Don't worry...if you forget what a red zone touchdown looks like, just let me know. I can hook ya up with some Tebow highlights.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Its official
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Final Steps!
I created this blog on the day after Christmas, 2005. Almost 6 years later we are finally putting the final pieces of the plan together that caused this blog to come about. There is no accident that the blog is called "Pikes Peak or Bust". Our main goal from the beginning has been to leave this house and this town to pursue a "better" lifestyle for my wife, my children and me. When this blog started we were both working low paying state jobs in a town that did nothing for us. Since that time, we made several very big decisions to change our little families way of life. For one, getting my wife a suitable job that she truly enjoyed and that deserved her was my main goal at the beginning. So we decided that she needed to go back to school. It was very hard for her, and I have to admit at times I did think it was too much for her to handle. A full time mom with a full time job going to school full time??? Not possible! Little did I know I was married to Super Woman. I am so proud of my wife. The next step was for me to get a better job and when I applied for a uniformed civilian job in the Patrol (for the 4th time) I was happy to find out that I was accepted. Almost 6 years later we have more than doubled our salary and we have used the extra money to get us closer to our next goal. Complete debt freedom. Our true goal is, as I stated above, to pursue a "better" lifestyle for my family. One thing that I did come to realize was that happiness was not a direct reflection of how much money you make.
The final steps are in motion as of 2:26 today. I talked to a real estate agent in regards to selling this house and we are about to list the house and pay off the rest of the debt we have and cross that goal off the list. Once the house is on the market, the agent predicts around a 90 day sale which would be perfect. Once we sell the house and pay off as much if not all of the debt with our profit, we will then be in our final steps to leaving. Deidra will then apply for her jobs and we will start making 3 day vacations out to the areas we are interested in.
The excitement is about to begin!
Keep ya posted.
Oh...quick side note...down to 254! Still losing! 6 more pounds and I will have reached a weight that I have not been since my son was born! Boom Baby!
The final steps are in motion as of 2:26 today. I talked to a real estate agent in regards to selling this house and we are about to list the house and pay off the rest of the debt we have and cross that goal off the list. Once the house is on the market, the agent predicts around a 90 day sale which would be perfect. Once we sell the house and pay off as much if not all of the debt with our profit, we will then be in our final steps to leaving. Deidra will then apply for her jobs and we will start making 3 day vacations out to the areas we are interested in.
The excitement is about to begin!
Keep ya posted.
Oh...quick side note...down to 254! Still losing! 6 more pounds and I will have reached a weight that I have not been since my son was born! Boom Baby!
Monday, October 10, 2011
Broncos Fall 29-24...But......
Sure, the Broncos lost. Sure, it was to the Chargers which was picked by all to win anyhow. Sure, Orton was picked to be the safe option as QB in a game that was predicted as a loss. Sure, Orton is the "safe" option as they call him, throws the ball away "safely" when he was about to lose yards or be sacked. BUT....
What you wont hear is that the chance to win was there from the beginning. What you wont be told is the back story of what could have been. Let me bring you up to date. For the last 5 games when Orton threw the ball out of bounds to be "safe" or crawled into a little ball before his inevitable oncoming sack or was stopped in the red zone only to walk away with 3 points or less....the Tebow boo birds came out in full force. Sure Tebow is a very nice guy. A religious guy that thanks his team members first and never takes the credit himself. For the last 5 games I had to listen to announcer after announcer (some being ex-NFL QB's) talk about how the crowd just didn't understand that a guy like Tebow is best left on the sideline due to throwing inaccuracies or a weird release of the ball.
With 1 Quarter of play left, the Broncos were down 24 - 10 in an already chocked up loss by the announcers and most of Denver. Orton was doing his thing...and I was trying to stay awake on my couch. Then they decided to go with Tebow! The first couple sets he went 3 and out...a couple bad throws true (hit the hands none the less and should have been caught) and a couple bad snap takes (it was after all his second time behind the 1st string snap man). Then Tebow came out to play. My wife and I started to wake up and watch the real story unfold. With one half of a 4th quarter over, Tebow was trying to win! And you could see it in the way he pumped the team up on the sidelines. Trying to win against the Chargers and I saw the fear in Crybaby Rivers eyes. He new he was about to become an example of Tebow. In the next set Tebow made the first downs happen. Not with his arm every time...but a first down after first down happened none the less...then he pushed his way into the endzone and made a 2 point conversion. Then another score and we were within 3 of winning. He avoided the sack threw the ball in the air with 1 second to go in the forth...and....we missed it. The Broncos lost the game. The fans however and me as well did not. We won. We cheered for the guy leaving the field as the comeback kid that never got the chance to show us what he would have done with 4 quarters against a beatable Chargers team.
Good game Tebow.
Sunday, September 25, 2011

On a high note...the D looked great! Keep it up guys!
Sunday, September 11, 2011

On this 10 year anniversary, it is more important than ever to remember the moment in our life when everything changed forever. Many events take place on any given frozen moment in your life when you look around and realize that your life will no longer resemble what you found as normal just moments ago. That moment for me, as it was for many, began on 9-11-2001.
I was in my car on the way to work. I was listening to Bob & Tom (radio talk show) as I normally did each morning during any typical work day before that day. I remember the talk show stopped and made the announcement that a plane had hit one of the twin towers in NYC. I remember feeling uneasy about that moment. I have always been someone that thinks about the worst case scenario when some event of any magnitude takes place and I remember thinking that someone did it on purpose. When I was pulling into my parking space at work I sat and listened to the show as it had turned into a more serious show from its typical humor based material. I walked into my office and was surprised that no one else had realized what had happened. I was more surprised that no one in the office seemed to understand the importance of that moment. I turned my radio on near my computer and tried to locate a station giving any information out about the event. Getting any kind of reception in the Truman State office building was near impossible but I did find an AM station that was reporting about the event. As the time passed, everyone in the office started to understand the importance of that moment when the radio reported that the second tower had been hit by a second plane. From that moment on and into the rest of the day, nobody in the office spoke much. Everyone just sat there helpless as each attack took place. Listening to the information that the Pentagon was hit....and the possibility that there were many planes incoming with unknown targets in mind. It made me sick. I remember feeling so much pain for the many families that had, in one moment, been torn completely apart by one evil act of hate. I remember thinking to myself that it takes a very weak and scared individual or group of idiots to carry out such a blatant act of such cowardice. Its as if they hated someone so much but was so scared of them that instead of trying to fight the one they hated, they instead turned their attack on some innocent woman pushing a child in a baby cart down the street. True cowardice. It was not some master plan carried out by some intelligent mastermind. It was as easy as throwing a grenade into a fish bowl full of fish. This will always be portrayed as some long thought of plot by some secret terrorist agency far overseas...but to me it is what it is...a very simple plot thought up by the very simple minds of some less than human trash living in huts in a desert with an over abundance of unearned money and the ability to walk onto a plane and scare innocent people in order to crash the plane.
I will always feel pain for those lost in the terrible attack on innocence in this country.
God Bless all of those who were lost on that horrible day. God Bless those still coping with their losses. God Bless those who are coping with sickness now after breathing all of that poison while trying to dig out our loved ones. God Bless all of the hero's that stood on that sacred ground and gave their lives so that there was even a small chance that they could save someone from that hell even knowing that the chance probably did not exist.
God Bless America
I will never forget.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Weigh in Friday
Just a quick post...weighed in Friday...down another 3 1/2 lbs. On to the next couple weeks!
Saturday, August 13, 2011
I just wanted to make a very quick post regarding the state of Missouri. I hate when you look at the weather channel and see the word "Severe Weather" over our area...only our "Severe" weather consists of flood warnings, high pollen levels and severe heat issues. 38 people died in Missouri due to the heat during the damn heat wave. DIED BECAUSE OF THE HEAT!
For the LOVE! Come on FALL!
For the LOVE! Come on FALL!
Monday, August 01, 2011
Broncos sign a power back
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Did a little research and found out some cool facts about your birthday year. Here are some things that happened the year you were born:
The Basketball Association of America (BAA) was founded. Merged with the National Basketball league (NBL) in 1949 which then formed the NBA. *Probably why you all love Basketball so darn much!
On July 5th of that year, Bikinis go on sale for the first time in Paris. They would make their way to America soon after. *We ALL thank you for that!
The San Fransisco 49ers are formed.
On May 2nd of that year 6 inmates try to escape Alcatraz...they fail. Riots begin in the prison. The events of that day are known as "The Battle of Alcatraz".
On December 20th of that year, one of our family's favorite Christmas movies "It's a Wonderful Life" is released in New York.
On December 31st, President Harry Truman delivers Proclamation 2714 officially ending hostilities in World War II.
January 10th of that year the first meeting of the United Nations is held in London.
January 10th of that year is also important because "Project Diana" bounces radar waves off the moon proving that communication is possible between Earth and outer space. This in turn opens the space age.
Here are some people born that year:
January 19th (my birthday): Dolly Parton
May 18th: Reggie Jackson
May 19th: Andre the Giant
May 20th: Cher
June 14th: Donald Trump (People with comb overs rejoice!)
July 6th: George W. Bush (G-DUB!)
July 6th: Sylvester Stallone is born. People all around the world unknowingly wait for the 80's and the beginning of the Rocky Saga.
July 13th: Cheech Marin
July 15th: Linda Ronstadt
July 22nd: Danny Glover
September 15th: Tommy Lee Jones
October 26th: Pat Sajak
and many many others!
PS: A very wise man (or kid) once said: "I don't care if there is cloud to ground lightning....or that its raining...hailing...or there are tornado warnings out right now! You get our Giants together and LETS GO TO KALISPELL PARK FOR PRACTICE! I gotta swing Ol' Blue! Anyone who does not show up is Bush League and probably just stands at the plate while the ball goes by anyhow!"
Those memories will last forever.
Love you. God Bless You guys and keep you. May the wind be at your back at all times, well for the most part, because lets face it...if you are tossing the frisbee would rather have a gentle breeze at your front...makes the disc go further...but at all other your back!
Friday, July 29, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Final prep of the house before we put it on sale!

Had the carpet dude come by today to give us the estimate on our back three rooms....that will be the last big thing we have to do other than some touch ups with paint some decor issues which we should be getting fixed after the carpet goes down. Easy to do the decor of rooms with no furniture in them and since we have to move the furniture out to make way for the new carpet, we can just make them look "sale prep" ready. Looks as though our world is about to open up into a life change very soon. I'm getting chills just blogging about it right now.
Click "HERE" and look at my post in the archives for December 2nd, 2006. Amazing that it is now coming to an end. Need to settle down. Going to bed.
Football Is ON!

Gotta say, If we trade Orton and go with Tebow.....That would be ok with me. Hope we get a good trade for the guy though. He doesn't exactly suck.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Friday, July 08, 2011
Back to the Gym
So we decided that it is important to keep a gym membership. Once we got on a pretty good diet and exercise program at home, we got rid of it. The problem is, if you are not paying money to a gym to get in shape, you don't have to pay anyone to get into shape....thus you do not get into shape, because you'll be damned if you are going to waste free time doing something that "hurts" or "makes you tired" (thus getting you into shape) you have to go back to that place that you hate to go and pay for a membership to force you to go because you have to pay and you'll be damned if you are going to waste good money on something that you do not use.
Trust that over. You will understand...and agree.
Plus you never want to look like this guy:
Trust that over. You will understand...and agree.
Plus you never want to look like this guy:

Saturday, March 26, 2011
Ok Ok OK!
So last week my little family went on a much needed R&R vacation to the land of clean air and beautiful mountain sunsets. I took my camera and popped off about 700 plus photos in "RAW" format that has been a bit hard to work through on my NIKON software. I have been able to get some of the photos formatted to a smaller more web friendly version for your viewing pleasure. These photos are in a file on my computer and I will be putting them on this blog in order that they were taken with a little info about each. Bear with me because the reformatting from RAW to JPEG is not as easy as you would think with this many photos. Here are a few of the photo's that were taken at random times throughout the week. More to follow. 

Photo from "Our Garden" near the Garden of the Gods.
At the Olympics Center in the Springs.

Pic of Rae on the way to the top of Pikes Peak.

One gorgeous sunset taken from....."Wal-Mart"....go figure.
Went to Jose Muldoon's for lunch one day. Great food, and very good memories for me and my best friend CJ. (It's changed quite a bit CJ...go check it out sometime)
Many more to come and in better order.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Tuesday, February 01, 2011
Missouri Blizzard 2011!

So...its been over 100 years since Missouri saw such a storm. I've seen 4. However it is still funny that if you turn on the radio, it is nothing but gloom and doom for the state of Missouri for days to come. I have to say I'm amazed that people are not straddling highway billboard signs holding up handwritten cardboard signs with the words "Repent! For the time is at hand!" written in bold black letters on them. You would think that the worlds end is at hand listening to the radio and talking to people around here. What can I say. If you lived in Colorado you would understand that a blizzard is nothing more than a bunch of snow being blown around that makes it hard if not impossible to drive due to visibility....not because OF snow...but the addition of wind BLOWING snow. You could have blizzard conditions with several inches of snow...just happens that we are getting a bunch of the white stuff too. It will be white around here for a good week or so, but the roads will be OK for the most part by Friday. Don't go out and buy canned goods and boxes of Spam and Tang just yet. We will be OK. None the less the snow is beautiful and I'm going to take a bunch of pictures. Lets face it...snow is a rare thing in this state so I need to enjoy it while I got it...wont be around for another 100 years to see more! I say...tuck in and enjoy the wonder of mother nature. It cant snow like this all the time. Pictures to come soon. For those of you out in this that don't have to be or for those filling peoples heads with the hype of how Missouri will never be the same after me a favor m-kay? Look up the word "Stupid" in the dictionary...then look in the mirror for me...then make the connection.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
My 35th Birfdaze!
Wednesday, January 05, 2011
Champion once again!

So here is to the end of another NFL year and the end of yet another NFL Fantasy Football year. I ended the season by winning my second championship by knocking off the #1 team to make it into the Super Bowl and by beating the #2 team to win the Super Bowl once again! For my prize???........I
My trick? Put Broncos on the team. Both of my Super Bowl wins came at the hands of Denver Broncos. I benched Drew Brees and put Tebow in for my final game. Had I not done that...I would have lost. Gotta love my Broncos!
Saturday, January 01, 2011
Happy New Year!
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Jeez....I need to update this blog eh???
Ok, so I keep saying I will update this thing, and I don't. I HAVE BEEN ONE BUSY SUCKAFOO! A quick overview: Our tomato plants grew ...
A little known fact about the Denver Museum is that the mural artist, Kent Pendleton, painted many of the murals for the museum in 1971. He...
Happy 11th Birthday to our little Roo Roo. For her birthday, she wants to go to the Denver Museum and then to hit Casa Bonita for...