USA loses to Ghana. Last 15 minutes a joke. Ghana wastes about 15 minutes faking injuries, changing players on toss ins, shaking hands with other team players on field while on the way across the field to the ball....refs give 3 minutes back.
I'm trying ... trying to find interest in this soccer thing but I got to tell ya, I'm about fed up with basketball "flops" of players just to get free throws that are not deserved. Football "kneeling" to win the game. Baseball "Juicing" to hit home runs. And now Soccer? Soccer with its fake injuries, slow sub-ins, all the time wasting? A game where the refs can call obvious bad penalties and when asked why, do not have to give a reason? Gotta tell ya, I wish this was a world where the game was played to the end from start to finish. Where both teams leave it all on the field and that the team that won was the team that fought the hardest. I guess that only still happens in boxing. Ya see, when there is a sport where you are confined in a small ring, a ring that is hard to move around in, and in that ring you are facing someone that sees you trying to run away to waste time....when he catches you.....Bad BAD things happen to your face. And as the coward gets beaten from your body...the crowd cheers at the person doing the pounding and laughs at the coward. Of coarse its only a matter of time before boxers who are winning the match have a way of knowing that as long as he does not get knocked out he can just run around the ring and wait for the time to tick down. Imagine an entire final round of boxing where the "point" leader runs away from the other guy like a chicken while 5 minutes ticks off the timer.
Don't get me wrong. Trying to hold on to a lead by passing...or keeping the ball from the other team while playing is fine! Its a good win that way if you can do that...where it gets "coward" like is when you fake an injury or any kind of cowardly way that is not related to playing the game itself. That is what Ghana did and for that I see them as not winners of a game well played but the team that lead the game in the final 30 minutes only to try "flopping" or "Kneeling" in a sense and that is what separates true hero's and cowards. Cheer on mighty Africa...you are now known for not only those ridiculous horns, but also teams that are afraid to play a game to the end. You will not win the World Cup. Know how I know? You may be able to win a couple games here and there by "Flopping" and "Kneeling" but true winners of the big games....they WIN the games from start to finish. So onto 2014 and the next Cup. I will be there rooting on my USA. As for Ghana....I know a place you can put those horns after your FIFA loss......
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