Friday, April 04, 2008

Taylor's School Cardinal Game

Taylor got to go to a St. Louis Cardinals game for a school trip yesterday and he brought along his mom. I would have loved to go, but Deidra deserved it more than I did. She's been working her butt off. As for as the trip, I hear they had a great time! The Cardinals won which for me is cool. Of coarse if the Rocks would have won I would not have been too mad. I will always have loyalty to the Cards. They were my team of choice as a kid and always will be my team. Ever since the Rocks came about I can't help but cheer for them as well but when It comes to which one I am loyal too...the Cards baby! "I'm sold on St. Louis...I'M SOLD!" If you don't know what I meant by that..then you have not been a fan for as long as I.

Deidra took a pic by the Arch to show how the flood waters have risen. That is the Mighty Mississippi creeping illegally onto a No Parking spot! I tell ya...Mother Nature has no respect for the local laws!

As for I am again...drinking my morning coffee..blogging. I love it. This weekend a buddy from work and I will be taking the MMSP motorcycle safety program in Warrensburg to get our motorcycle license. Always wanted to have I'm getting one. Turns out gas prices can revert a grown man into thinking like a young man. It is an all weekend program. We leave tonight after work and wont get back until Sunday afternoon. Don't worry Ill be careful. I can just see Chris and I riding away from the coarse on our test bike now...both with shiny new licenses..........

(...Wha?..where?...*snort*...uh..sorry..just daydreaming.)

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Jeez....I need to update this blog eh???

Ok, so I keep saying I will update this thing, and I don't.  I HAVE BEEN ONE BUSY SUCKAFOO!  A quick overview: Our tomato plants grew ...