Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Cardinals Win!

Dad got 4 tickets to the Cards vs. Astros game on Sunday for Taylor, me, mom and himself. Taylor got to see his first "live" Pujols homer last weekend. He also got to see Glaus's first homer as a Cardinal. Another first for both of us was that we got to see our first fight at a baseball game. Apparently the pitcher of the Astro's fed Molina some unappreciated chin music. He was about to storm the mound and as both teams cleared the dugouts the fight was stopped. The Cardinals won the game so we celebrated by tearing through some White Castle!

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Jeez....I need to update this blog eh???

Ok, so I keep saying I will update this thing, and I don't.  I HAVE BEEN ONE BUSY SUCKAFOO!  A quick overview: Our tomato plants grew ...