Saturday, March 29, 2008

Spring is here!

Spring is here at last! Got to tell ya, I'm happy about it too. You all know I love my snowy winters, but once Spring gets close I get to wanting my camping months. Six Flaggs opens up in a couple weeks and we are looking forward to heading up to the Lou. It's supposed to be 67 tomorrow and in the lower 70's by Monday. This time of year makes me want to take a long road trip with my camera and shoot some great photo's. The photo of the cardinal on the left is not mine...but now that the cardinals are starting to come around again the other birds are not far behind. We have done some serious spring cleaning and now Deidra and I have the bug to start fixing up the house to put it on the market in the near future. Mom and dad came by tonight and we had a great evening. We watched "Meet the Fockers" and dad whooped me in chess twice. Got to tell ya, its nice to hear my parents talk about dads upcoming retirement from the state. He seems to be really pumped up about it as he should be. Its about time for him and mom to be able to do whatever they want whenever they want. Deidra and I are getting ready to begin our first free summer since she started school. Now that its all done with, we are going to make this year unforgettable. Can you believe that I'm once again saying "the year is almost 1/4 over!" Last year I had a similar blog entry. It doesn't seem as though it were that long ago...which means that we are going to be heading west sooner rather than later. Its flying by. Time to go up stairs and get the coffee for tomorrow ready...Hope you all have a wonderful start to the spring!

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Jeez....I need to update this blog eh???

Ok, so I keep saying I will update this thing, and I don't.  I HAVE BEEN ONE BUSY SUCKAFOO!  A quick overview: Our tomato plants grew ...