Well, I have taken a bit of time off from the blog lately. Not because I wanted to but because I have been so darn busy lately. Where do I start....Last week was my son's last week of baseball. Our team was the "Mets" and Dylan and Evan (my sisters boys) were on the team. I was the coach. Friday was the last game of the season. I was so proud of all my little guys. I am in the 7-8 yr old league and some of the things my team was doing was straight out of the movie " The Sandlot". It was us against the Royals and it didn't look too good from the get go. Only 10 of my guys showed up and one got sick in the first inning. That brought us down to 9 guys. A full team right? Wrong. On 7-8 yr old league 11 kids is a full team. (2 extra outfielders) The other team (The Royals) where 12 men strong and played all 12. One more than usually aloud which they let me know would be ok since it was the last game of the year. That meant they had 6 outfielders to our 3. All of our doubts about the game went away in the second inning however as my team tore through the Royals like we were the team with the extra guys. Everyone on my team did awesome! Taylor was my 3d basemen and stopped a hard hit line drive with a backhanded grab! I'm not embellishing...it was the hardest hit ball the other team hit all night. Dylan played a star catcher making anyone trying to go home think twice about turning 3d and going home. Evan Played a stellar pitcher catching 1 pop fly and getting a double play on a pop fly. My short stop turned an easy out into a nearly impossible double play buy catching a line drive of the bounce, stepping on 2nd and throwing the runner out at 1st. Seems like a normal everyday baseball game right? Remember..they are 7-8 age group. We were the only team in the league to get a double play all season and we didn't just get those 2 on Friday...we got 3 more during the season off of pop fly's! It was an incredible end to an incredible season. I will post pics later.
On a side note: My mom is doing well and is resting up after a full knee replacement. She had a hard go of it early on in the week as the medication she was taking for pain was not working well and caused her to feel bad. I will go see her soon and hope she feels better when I do. Seeing my mom in pain is something that I just can't handle that well. I will keep the blog updated with the info as it becomes available to me. Got to go clean house a bit before Deidra gets home from Hermann.