So they say that a "Major Winter Storm" is on the way. Well I hope that it is true, but I have been through my share of Missouri's "Storm Warnings" and I have to admit it is wrong most of the time. Anyhoo it is supposed to come in tonight and you know I will be posting the outcome tomorrow morning.
In Family news:
Deidra has finished another set of finals in college and did great on all of them. We are finally in the last phase of her schooling. She is doing her clinicals as of now but her school work is done until January. She says she is enjoying the hands on experience she is getting and I am so proud of her.
In Bronco news:
Well as all you Bronco fans out there know, we lost to the Chiefs last week and are now sitting in 3d place in the division. Well we are actually tied for 2nd but the standings show us in the 3d spot. Good news though! It seems as though Jake Plummer has had his last chance to lead this great team, and now Coach has called in the rookie Jay Cutler to take the wheel. I have good feelings about this guy. I think our problems will soon come to an end.
I must apologize for not keeping up with the blog lately. The last several weeks have been crazy with all the stuff going on. Last week was Thanksgiving as you all know, and with that comes all the family stuff. The week prior to that was Deidras finals week and that brought stress to both her and I. We have also purchased ceramic tile for the hall and kitchen and will be installing that in the coming week. I promise to try and do better with the blog. Just hang in there. Things will get better.
Happy Holidays guys.
Come on SNOW!!!
I think you are going to get more ice than snow, but we need the wet stuff no matter how it comes. I'm praying for the soft fluffy white stuff too! Love this blogger. Casper
you better be sorry fool!
nice picture!
Like your comments guys...keep em coming!
look out today, its on the way. I haven't seen snow more than two to three inches for quite a long time. Hope it is a big storm! Casper
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