Monday, April 03, 2006

1/4 of the year almost over!

Can you believe that the first 4th of this year has gone by so quick? Deidra will be finished with her first year of college in a couple weeks! Only one more year for her to go! I am so proud of her.

Well I am in my 4th week of the YMCA and have been going pretty much every day. I just have to think of it as the last hour of my work day. That way I don't CHOOSE to do it, I feel that I have to. It works better for me that way:)

We had a pretty good weekend. Deidra and I planted some bushes and did some landscaping in our front yard. It looks pretty nice. I hope we can keep the bushes alive. We can't seem to keep plants alive indoors, so maybe nature will help out a lot. I will be seeding my front and back yard this week so that we can have a good green summer.

My best friend Chad has finally got XBOX LIVE!!! We can now play online, and have been on a pretty regular basis for about 2 weeks. I think he is loving it. We are a pretty even match on NBA LIVE 06 although when I am the Denver Nugs in the powder blue uniforms, he doesn't stand a chance. He is pretty dominating with his Pistons.

Deidra and I are going to pull out the summer duds and dust off the tent and bikes. Summer is on the way and I can't wait to get out and enjoy the outside. For those of you who have known me, going outside has been a horrible experience for me since I was young due to allergies and asthma but now I am able to do everything without too much sniffling and sneezing and wheezing due to my allergy shots I have been taking for the last several years. This is the first year that I think I will be able to leave the windows open at night. I can't wait.

Grandma is doing good I hear, and I will be going to visit her this weekend if all goes to plan.

Have a good week everyone!

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Jeez....I need to update this blog eh???

Ok, so I keep saying I will update this thing, and I don't.  I HAVE BEEN ONE BUSY SUCKAFOO!  A quick overview: Our tomato plants grew ...