Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Done with winter

Those of you that know me know I love the winter. It is one of my favorite times of the year. In order for me to enjoy the spring and the summer, I have to have had a good winter with snow and ice and cold and snow days and winter storm warnings and all that good stuff. For the first time in a very long time Missouri has had a decent winter. Not as much snow as I would have liked, but it has been "winter-ish". For so many years you have seen me make fun of Missouri "so called" winters and for the most part winter in Missouri is disappointing to say the least. This year was probably the first time I have seen a white Christmas in over two decades and that is sad....however....this winter has come through for me somewhat. I could go right into spring time now and be happy if it tuned 65 and sunny tomorrow. In fact, I hope it warms up soon but does not do the typical Missouri spring that lasts 2 days and goes directly into 105 temps and water logged humidity, but instead holds the 60's for a couple months...ala' Colorado. Wont happen...but I can wish. So here I am to tell you officially.....Bring on the spring. I could use another month of cold and white but I would be fine with the sun as well. So much to do, and the warmer it gets..the more stuff I will be able to accomplish this year.

Nuggz won tonight...good game. Called love. Hope everything is good in your world bro.


Anonymous said...

yeah buddy...cj

DenverDawg said...

See...told ya brutha! Its easy to post! Keep it up now home skillet!

Jeez....I need to update this blog eh???

Ok, so I keep saying I will update this thing, and I don't.  I HAVE BEEN ONE BUSY SUCKAFOO!  A quick overview: Our tomato plants grew ...