So yet another year is coming to an end and everyone is busy getting their lists together to get their drink on proper style! Ok..so maybe that's just me. You see, during the year I try not to overdo anything that may lead to me acting a bit...eh....well using a word: "Weird". There are not a lot of people who know what that means...aside from my sisters and my wife's sisters and their families. I have not had too much to drink this year unless I was siting at a table with a certain game sitting in front of me. Now let me tell ya, this game is EVIL! It starts off with all of us sitting around the table with pencils in hand and blank lists that you can write whatever you want when answering certain simple enough questions about anything and everything you can possibly imagine. Now I for one love this game cuz it gives me the ability to let loose with all kinds 'o stuff under the guise of the "just for fun" shield but my wife and her naughty sisters...who are reading this now I'm sure (yep...pointing at you) bring many adult beverages to the table and well....things get...uh...Raw Dog big daddy style by the end of my 3'd glass of said beverage. Still, I wouldn't trade those times for anything! Anyhoo...not sure how I got onto that whole shtick but I guess what I'm trying to say is I hope you all end the year with a bang...but a safe and happy bang...and if you happen to meet my wife or her sisters at the store next to a certain liquor section of any non particular store and they invite you to come over for an innocent board game....well...make sure to bring a non alcohol beverage. Oh...and leave the utter cream at the store. I'm just sayin.

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