Monday, February 23, 2009

Sick yet again

Well here I am on another Monday sick yet again. My kids are carrier monkeys I swear, and with my asthma Ill be down for the count for a week or so. Time to go watch some sort of TV reruns of some kind and drink lots of water.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Off today! Nice day for a ride? Nope...52 degrees. Poop.

Got some things to do today so I took the day off. 1st on the list is to go get my NEW MOTORCYCLE! BooYA! Decided to go with a 750 although many tell me I will want a bigger bike soon. Its an 07 Honda Shadow Aero. Not a bad starter bike. Went online and found a picture of the exact bike I bought though it does it no justice. Here is a pic of it below. Real pics of the bike (and me on it) to come really soon. Also, I would officially like to let you all know that I am ready for the spring. I got my yearly winter fix...and now its onto looking forward to the spring. Not to say a couple big snow storms would not be too shabby.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Ok, so I took a bit of a break. Those of you that have been checking into my sight and thinking...."did he die or something?" Or something like..."I have my morning coffee but since his post isn't new...I just cant go to work so heck with it...SICK DAY!" You no longer have anything to fear. Pikes Peak or Bust 2009 is in full swing! Time for me to start posting about things other than my fall/winter love: Football. It is already February in 2009! Middle February as a matter of fact! Crazy how time goes by. Well here it is...our last true year in this crazy state. We have been getting our things in order and are now in the phase of talking about real things. Since my birthday last month, I have enrolled in a photography class. It will take close to 2 years to complete it, but I might as well learn something about what I truly love to do and maybe make some money while doing it.
So anyhoo Im going to post a lot more now.
Stay tuned guys...I'm back.

Jeez....I need to update this blog eh???

Ok, so I keep saying I will update this thing, and I don't.  I HAVE BEEN ONE BUSY SUCKAFOO!  A quick overview: Our tomato plants grew ...