Can you believe it has been 6 years since our world was shaken? I remember exactly every detail of my drive to work that morning and the hours that followed.
I remember how quiet our sky's were that day and the next and how odd that was. It was almost as if I had stepped back into time when the ability to fly was only in our dreams.
It is sad that it takes things like this to remind us of how wonderful and how much of a privilege it is to be able to wake up next to the ones you love each day.
Cherish each day. Because you never know.
On a different note. Please keep NFL Buffalo Bills player Kevin Everett in your prayers along with his friends and family. Kevin Everett suffered a major cervical spine injury in last Sunday's game and underwent emergency surgery over the weekend. He was alert before undergoing the surgery and gave his consent with his mom at his side. Currently in a deeply sedated state Everett can't communicate with those who visit him in the hospital.

"You can pull through this big guy!"
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