Happy Birthday to me! So what did I do for my Birthday? It was a nice quite day at home. Got to play some online hockey with my Colorado brutha CJ! That was fun. We played 2 games vs. each other and split the games 1 - 1 then we played as the same team and we got dominated by the computer! In our defense we played at All Star level which we now know to change to Rookie..at least until we get better. Kids are staying over at my sisters house tonight which means we get to watch a movie tonight. Probably going to rent "knocked up". We've been wanting to see that. On another note, I couldn't be more proud of my wife. Not only is she eating healthy with me but she is also going to the YMCA with me every day! Have not skipped a day yet and she has been at my side on the elliptical every step of the way! It makes it a whole lot easier when you have someone you love doing the same things as you. Deidra is loving her job at the hospital and we are now on the final stage of our time here in Missouri. This will be our final year in this place and we are going to try and sell almost everything so we can start new in our next location. Wow! Just to think of how quick the last two years have been! Makes me realize that there isnt much time to waste here in JC. Need to get on the ball and get this house sold soon! We will be completely paying off another debt this month! Final payment will be mailed in a couple weeks! Booya baby! Feels good! Mo money Mo money Mo money! With every debt paid off it feels like a small monthly raise! Speaking of raise, I get a promotion in two more weeks myself. It should be a pretty nice one and that will make our debt go away so much faster. Deidra gets a promotion in March and I will hopefully get a state raise in the summer. Why am I telling you this? Because with each up in pay, we move that much closer to our final goal! That is what this blog is all about. I started this blog when Deidra was first going to College to keep my mind off of the wait. Now that we are so close, I don't have as much time to blog anymore. I hope to post at least once a week and as we get closer to the summer. I feel that I will. Deidra and I are planning a trip to Colorado for this summer. It will be a city scouting trip but we will also be going to have some fun. CJ...better buy your fishing license and oil up the fishing poles!