You can click on the pics below to get a better look at them. They blow up pretty nice.
Rae Found out that she loves the water
Here we are at Trunk chillin under the umbrella.
While driving to a beach, dad stops to feed the local wild animals.

Here was one of many jelly fish that we saw while swimming in the ocean. After one of the local life guards told us its a "moon jelly" and that it wouldn't hurt, I carefully lifted it out of the water so that we could all touch this beautiful creature. It felt a bit like soft stiff jelly.

The 2 pics above were taken at our pool in "Blue Beards Castle". There was a waterfall that we took full advantage of during the tropical noon day sun.
Taylor learned how to dive...Grandpa learned how to relax.
Not too many people can say they learned to swim in the Virgin Islands....Rae however, can.

These lizards were all over the place! In fact you can say they were the local "dogs" and they begged for food just as a dog would! See if you can count how many lizards are "begging" for food around the table of that family!

Rae and Taylor got to feed the stingrays in Coral World on St. Thomas.
One of many pics of my son under water. He loves to swim underwater more than he likes to swim over it... just like his daddy.
Pop and my Taylor resting in the shade at the sugar plantation.

More pics of us at Trunk.

One morning Deidra and I woke up extra early...around be lucky enough to catch this pic out off our deck at Blue Beards.
This cove is where we were on live cam that day. If you look to the middle of the pic and then directly left you will see the tree line and beach area that we were standing on. You can even see the boat we were standing in front of and the dock itself.
Me with the most beautiful woman in the world standing above and in front of Trunk Beach.
Mom and Dad at
All of us in front of the ocean by the old sugar plantation.
They must take after their mom.

These are 2 of my favorite pics I took. It was late at night and as you can tell the clouds were rolling in. I pulled these pics off just before an island storm. They were taken from our pool overlook at Blue Beards Castle after a wonderful spaghetti dinner made by mom and dad at their room. We had many "Bushwhackers" that night dad. Good time.

The first day we got to the islands...I got this pic of my kids outside our room. They stayed out on that deck for many hours that first week.
For those of you who wonder where all the other people are....we didn't know! And we didn't care. We felt as though we had the whole place to ourselves..and most of the time...we did!
Here is a pic I took of Taylor looking out over the boats at our pool overlook. This is the place I set my camera up for those night pics of the cruise liner. If I cropped the pic a bit, I could send this into some photo place...could be a post card don't ya think?